
Cover of the book "Feminist Solutions for Ending War"


Feminist Solutions
for Ending War

'War is a man's game,' or so goes the saying. Whether this is true or not, patriarchal capitalism is certainly one of the driving forces behind war in the modern era.

So can we end war with feminism? This book argues that this is possible, and is in fact already happening.

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Beyond the Band of Brothers:
The US Military and the Myth that Women Can't Fight

Women can't fight. This assumption lies at the heart of the combat exclusion, a policy that was fiercely defended as essential to national security, despite evidence that women have been contributing to hostile operations now and throughout history. This book examines the role of women in the US military and the key arguments used to justify the combat exclusion, in the light of the decision to reverse the policy in 2013.



Female Soldiers in Sierra Leone:
Sex, Security, and Post-Conflict Development

The eleven-year civil war in Sierra Leone from 1991 to 2002 was incomprehensibly brutal—it is estimated that half of all female refugees were raped and many thousands were killed. While the publicity surrounding sexual violence helped to create a general picture of women and girls as victims of the conflict, there has been little effort to understand female soldiers' involvement in, and experience of, the conflict.