I have contributed books, writing and research on topics including sexual violence in war, truth and reconciliation commissions, military culture, images and international relations, and women in combat.
MacKenzie, M. & Gunaydin, E. (2022) Does Raising the Combat Exclusion Lead to Equality? Measuring the recruitment, retention, and promotion of women in Canada and New Zealand’s defence forces. Full article in the Journal of Military and Strategic Studies 21(2)
MacKenzie, Megan. Why Do Soldiers Swap Illicit Pictures? How a Visual Discourse Analysis Illuminates Military Band of Brother Culture. Security Dialogue, January 2020.
MacKenzie, Megan, Eda Gunaydin, and Umeya Chaudhuri. Illicit Military Behavior as Exceptional and Inevitable: Media Coverage of Military Sexual Violence and the “Bad Apples” Paradox. International Studies Quarterly, January 2020.
Megan MacKenzie, Thomas Gregory, Nisha Shah, Tarak Barkawi, Toni Haastrup, Maya Eichler, Nicole Wegner & Alison Howell. Can we really “forget” militarization? A conversation on Alison Howell’s martial politics. International Feminist Journal of Politics, October 2019
MacKenzie, Megan and Foster, Alana. Masculinity nostalgia: How war and occupation inspire a yearning for gender order. Security Dialogue, 48(3), 206-223, April 2017.
MacKenzie, Megan. True Grit: the Myths and Realities of Women in Combat. Foreign Affairs. (Snapshot Online) 12 August 2015.
MacKenzie, Megan. “On ‘Women in Battle’” Parameters 43(3) Autumn 2013
MacKenzie, Megan. “Women in combat: beyond ‘can they?’ or ‘should they?: Introduction.” Editor of the interventions section of Critical Studies on Security Vol 1, No. 2 239-242 2013
MacKenzie, Megan and Mohamed Sesay. “No Amnesty from/for the International: the Production and Promotion of TRCs as an International Norm in Sierra Leone.” International Studies Perspectives, May 2012.
MacKenzie, Megan. “Let Women Fight: ending the US Military’s Female Combat Ban” Foreign Affairs November/December Issue 2012.
MacKenzie, Megan and Marianne Bevan, “Cowboy Policing versus the Softer Stuff: Masculinities and Peacekeeping” International Feminist Journal of Politics (special issue on masculinities) December 2012.
MacKenzie, Megan. “Their Personal is Political, Not Mine: Feminism and Emotion” International Studies Review, July 2011.
MacKenzie, Megan. “De-Securitizing Sex: War Rape and the Radicalization of Development in Sierra Leone,” International Feminist Journal of Politics, Volume 12; 2 2010.
MacKenzie, Megan. “Women, Gender and Contemporary Armed Conflict,” The International Studies Compendium Project. Summer 2010.
MacKenzie, Megan. “Securitization and Desecuritization: Female Soldiers and the Reconstruction of Women in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone,” Security Studies, issue 2, volume 18 2009.
MacKenzie, Megan. “Empowerment Boom or Bust? Assessing Women’s Post-Conflict Empowerment Initiatives,” Cambridge Review of International Affairs, issue 2, volume 22 2009.
Other Published Work
MacKenzie, Megan. The international politics of rape, sex and the family in Sierra Leone. Individual manuscript. (Institute for Security Studies: South Africa, September 2009)
Megan MacKenzie. “The ‘War Babies’ of Sierra Leone,” Edmonton Journal 30 August 2006. pA:3
Megan MacKenzie. “Human Security: The Key to Unifying the Fragmented Literature on Children and War.” War and Children Identity Project Annual Report. Norway: War and Children Identity Project, April 2003 p51-66
Book Chapters
MacKenzie, Megan and Hills, Christopher. Women in Non-State Armed Groups After War: The (non) Evolution of the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration. In Rachel Woodward, Claire Duncanson (Eds.), The Palgrave International Handbook of Gender and the Military, (pp. 455-471). London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
MacKenzie, Megan. Gender and Post-Conflict Security. In S Sharoni, J Welland, L Steiner, J Pedersen (Eds.), Handbook on Gender and War, (pp. 483-503). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016.
Baldi, Giulia and Megan MacKenzie. “Silent Identities: Children Born of War in Sierra Leone.” in R. Charli Carpenter ed. Born of War: Protecting Children Born to Sexual Violence Survivors in Conflict Zones. (San Francisco: Kumarian Press, 2007)
MacKenzie, Megan. “Securitization and De-Securitization: Female Soldiers and the Reconstruction of Women in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone.” in Laura Sjoberg ed. Gender and International Security. (Critical Security Series, Routledge. 2009)
MacKenzie, Megan. “Security as the Exceptions: What Women Warriors Experience” in Christine Sylvester ed. Experiencing War. (Routledge: 2010)
Policy Reports
MacKenzie, M. & Gunaydin, E. (2022) Does Raising the Combat Exclusion Lead to Equality? Measuring the recruitment, retention, and promotion of women in Canada and New Zealand’s defence forces.
Multiple authors (2023) DREAM Lab Final Report 2023
Mackenzie, M., McLay, K. I. & Fraser, I. (2025). REPORT: Do Women in Power Spend Differently on Defence?